Cleaning Hacks

Yes, I said vinegar. Crazy right? We all know vinegar is so pungent as soon as we open the lid off the bottle, but what I found out through test and trials is that vinegar can be a wonderful cleaning solution for literally almost everything. I make my own cleaning solution for the shower by mixing vinegar, dawn dish soap, baking soda and warm water in a spray bottle (this recipe will soon be posted). Also, vinegar is perfect to clean your drains and the metal fixtures around faucets at sinks and tubs. To clean your drains simply sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda into the drain and let sit for about 10 mins. Follow by pouring a generous amount of vinegar down the drain. Let this sit for another 10-20 mins and pour hot water down the drain. For metal faucets just soak a rag in vinegar and wrap around the fixtures for about 30 mins and then remove.
Get to Dusting
A simple hack to assist in dusting window blinds and the blades of ceiling fans would be to use a pillow case. Use a pillow case and open it up to slide over one of the bladeso on your ceiling fan. As you retract the pillow case be sure to evenly grasp the top and bottom of the blade. The pillowcase helps to keep all the dust inside instead of just dropping it and spreading it all over the room. For the window blinds you can place your hand inside the pillow case and wipe the blind either left to right, or vice versa, without lifting your hand. This will keep the dust inside the pillowcase.
Washing Machine
Your washing machine also needs to be cleaned frequently. Do so by first, spraying the rubber rim of the washing machine with white vinegar. Place a cup of vinegar inside the softner and liquid soap bins. Run a full cycle. Be sure to also empty the catch can on the back or front of the washing machine, usually located towards the bottom of the washer.